Family Programs
FHM Family Programs are offered at:
Blanchard Family Health Clinic
In partnership with the Christian Community Church, Family Health Ministries’ 17 employees provide acute and preventive care to the Blanchard community. The FHM Blanchard clinic is open 5 days a week and provides health care services including childhood immunizations, prenatal and newborn care, cervical cancer prevention to the local community.
Leogane Family Health Center
The Leogane Family Health Center (LFHC) will be a medical campus with inpatient and outpatient services, as well as educational and administrative space, a chapel, and a guesthouse. Phase 1, the Guesthouse, is complete and operational. Phase 2, construction of the Surgical Center is expected to begin Winter 2014. Once completed, the Surgical Center will greatly increase FHM’s ability to screen and treat cervical cancer and gynecological and obstetric emergencies.