FHM News

Celebrating our 30th Year

Celebrating our 30th Year

Our 2022 Gala and Silent Auction was a huge success!  Thank you for spending your evening with us as we celebrated our 30th year in Haiti and looked towards the future for women and children in Haiti.  We had a record number of supporters this year, with over 300 of...

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Saving the World’s Women from Cervical Cancer

  On June 30, 2016 the New England Journal of Medicine published an excellent article regarding screening women in low resource countries for cervical disease. Many of the issues addressed in this journal article are consistent with what Family Health Ministries...

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Duke SRT Students Engaged in Haitian Communities

    As in previous years, FHM is partnering with the Duke Global Health Institute's Student Research Training (SRT) Program to conduct valuable research to inform FHM public health initiatives. Our students Caroline Keefe, Sarah Beaverson, Haley Talbot and...

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UNC School of Nursing Visits FHM New Women’s Clinic

Representatives of the UNC School of Nursing, Rhonda Lanning and Leslie Hackenbracht traveled to Haiti last week with Family Health Ministries. They were in country for the opening of the new Carmelle Voltaire Women's Health Center. The Center saw more than 50...

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Birthing Center Dedication Ceremony

Birthing Center Dedication Ceremony

On Saturday, February 20th over 100 people attended the dedication ceremony for the Carmelle Voltaire Women's Health Center in Tom Gato, Haiti. Supporters from Haiti, North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Indiana, Kansas and Tennessee joined in on this joyous occasion....

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Setting up Shop in Haiti

Equipment from the Duke Global Health PLUS program has arrived at the new Carmelle Voltaire Women's Health Center in Tom Gato, Haiti. The Global Health PLUS (Placement of Life Changing Usable Surplus) Program, in association with Duke Global Health Institute, affords...

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Placement of Life-Changing Usable Surplus

The Global Health PLUS (Placement of Life Changing Usable Surplus) Program, in association with Duke Global Health Institute, allowed Family Health Ministries to glean hospital equipment from inventory to use for the Carmelle Voltaire Women's Health Center in...

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