FHM News

FHM Give 5

FHM Give 5

For Less than the Cost of: • 1 matinee movie ticket • 1 Itunes Gift card • 1 small pizza • 1 child's haircut • 4 RedBox movie rentals You can make a difference in the lives of Haitian families. FHM is excited to announce the launch of our "Give 5" Campaign which will...

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Dine Out for Haiti at California Pizza Kitchen

PIZZA WITH A PURPOSE! Join us Sunday, August 16th anytime during the day to dine out for Haiti at California Pizza Kitchen at The Streets at Southpoint, 6910 Fayetteville Road #154, Durham, NC 27713. 20% of your check will be donated to Family Health Ministries...

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519 ♥ Haiti 5K/10K Race

519 ♥ Haiti 5K/10K Race

A race to benefit safe motherhood in Haiti Jump of the couch, get out your training log, and save the date for the 4th annual 519 ♥ Haiti 5K/ 10K Race. This year's event will be held on Saturday, September 26th along the American Tobacco Trail in Apex.  Last year, we...

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Excitement Grows at the Women’s Health Center Site

Excitement Grows at the Women’s Health Center Site

It is glorious to behold the construction advances as the Carmelle Voltaire Women's Health Center comes to life. With an October opening date in our sights, each weeks brings a new transformation of the building. Last week Kathy Walmer, FHM Executive Director, met on...

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The Magical Realm of Haitian Art

The Magical Realm of Haitian Art exhibit at Gallery C in Raleigh North Carolina, June 4 - August 1, 2015. The opening reception is Friday, June 5th, 6:00 - 9:00 pm. Haitian art is a world of wonder, mystery and delight, and Gallery C's 2015 exhibition grants us...

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When Progress Reaches the Sky

When Progress Reaches the Sky

"It's a joyful day in Tom Gato, Haiti!" exclaimed Kathy Walmer, FHM Executive Director. "The birthing center trusses are up!" This morning Michael Anello, Building Goodness Foundation Haiti In-Country Project Manager, called to share the good news - the trusses were...

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Everyday Adventures in Leogane

My name is Lauren McRaven and I’m honored to be taking over the position of In-Country Coordinator, Guesthouse Manager in Leogane, Haiti. Since many of you visit this blog for stories about life in Haiti, I figured (by way of introduction) I’ll jump right in and tell...

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FHM Receives AED from Bolt For The Heart

Jamalyn Williamson, FHM Fondwa Project Manager, says "Thank you, Bolt for the Heart!" FHM received an automated external defibrillator (AED) for to use in one of our clinics in Haiti. FHM received the AED as a gift from Bolt for the Heart, a non-profit in Carmel,...

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