Volunteer Locally

“The best way to find yourself

is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Ghandi


Family Health Ministries values the talents, time, innovations, and energy our volunteers bring to our organization.  We want every volunteer to have a positive experience with us. We want you to work where you work best. Volunteers can assist FHM in the following areas:

  • FHM Office Support
  • Fundraising and Publicity
  • Special Events
  • University Student Internships
  • Fundraising and Program Awareness Advocacy
  • Participation on FHM Committees

Contact us to find out how you can be of assistance by filling out the volunteer application.

What else can you do?

  • Tell your friends or people from clubs, churches, or other organizations about Family Health Ministries. If you have the opportunity to make a presentation, let us know and we’ll help you with marketing materials.
  • Write a letter to your local newspaper and ask them to run an article on Haiti and Family Health Ministries. We’ll help you with the content.
  • Have a party at your home where you ask guests to make a donation to FHM. We suggest you pick a particular project to support. Call us and help to organize your event.
  • Ask your friends and family to make a donation to FHM in lieu of a gift at your birthday, graduation, anniversary, or other special times.
  • Join one of our advisory boards