Meet Jocelyne

I could spend all day bragging on our staff here at the guesthouse! Each one of them plays an important role keeping our guests comfortable, safe, relaxed, and feeling at home! Jocelyne is no exception. Jocelyne will be sure to greet you with a smile and many words...
Summer of Research in Leogane

Summer of Research in Leogane

We are excited to partner with Duke University’s Student Research Training (SRT) Program this summer. The SRT Program is part of Duke Global Health Institute and this program specifically is an opportunity for undergraduate students to engage in community-based...


By now I’m sure many of you have heard of the chikungunya virus. It’s definitely taken a toll on Haiti lately so I figured it’s a topic worth discussing.  What is Chikungunya? Chikungunya is a virus spread by infected mosquitoes. It has occurred in...

The MacGyver Cure for Cancer

by Bonnie Rochman Featured in The New York Times, May 23, 2014 Two decades ago, David Walmer went on a volunteer mission with his church to Haiti. He was sent to paint walls at a hospital in the seaside town of Léogâne, but when the people there learned that Walmer...