Laughs from Leogane

Laughs from Leogane

Some of our neighbors including a lizard that lives on our porch and that puffs his throat when we walk by – look closely for the powerpost beetles in the shoe rack.  The last two photos include the harvest moon and  the lightning storm, plus the harvest that...
Jeff’s Afternoon Adventure

Jeff’s Afternoon Adventure

    Getting more fuel for the generator is not that easy.  First, Jeff and Jonathas loaded an empty tank on to Jonathas’ moto.  Yes, at first the tank fell off. Jonathas took the tank to a gas station on the Leogane Road, and then he came back to get Jeff. When...

Nou te rive!

No new photos but we are here! Our trip went without a hitch with Emile picking us up at the airport and taking us to change money, check out “Star 2000,” a grocery/housewares (and wine and liquor) store in Port-au-Prince. Many things, e.g plastic bags,...