Roland Hofer is on the run again! “Roland4Fondwa” was selected as one of the official charities for the upcoming Carmel, Indiana Marathon on April 18, 2015. Participants can choose to support Roland4Fondwa and raise funds for the FHM Carmelle Voltaire Women’s Health Center. Approximately 10,000 participants are expected. Roland4Fondwa will receive between $5 and $26 per person who elects to run for our charity depending on the distance they run. There are 5 distances/categories: 5k, 8k, half marathon, full Marathon and Marathon relay. You can find out more and sign up for the marathon via Roland4Fondwa.
Last year, Roland particiated in the “Salomon 4 Trails” race July 9-12, 2014 in Europe. In three days he raced through the mountains of Germany, Austria and Switzerland –100 miles — 33,000 feet of vertical climbing and 30 hours of running. Every step he took was dedicated toward raising awareness and funds for FHM’s Carmelle Voltaire Women’s Health in Tom Gato near Fondwa, Haiti and he raised $13,783 for the project.