Summer of Research in Leogane

Summer of Research in Leogane

We are excited to partner with Duke University’s Student Research Training (SRT) Program this summer. The SRT Program is part of Duke Global Health Institute and this program specifically is an opportunity for undergraduate students to engage in community-based...


By now I’m sure many of you have heard of the chikungunya virus. It’s definitely taken a toll on Haiti lately so I figured it’s a topic worth discussing.  What is Chikungunya? Chikungunya is a virus spread by infected mosquitoes. It has occurred in...
Travel tips for Haiti

Travel tips for Haiti

Are you planning a visit to our guesthouse in Haiti? We hope that answer is YES! And if you are, maybe you’re asking yourself what you should expect, pack, and so on. Or maybe you’re like the seasoned traveler above and you’ve got your toothbrush and...

Rara: A Unique Haitian Tradition

I remember the first time I ever heard a Rara parade. It was around this time of year in 2012. I was sleeping at a friend’s house in Croix Des Bouquets. To save money, they weren’t running the generator at night. City power, which is given at sporadic,...
Meet Yvette

Meet Yvette

We are so blessed to have this incredible lady working for us! Yvette is our cook here at the FHM guesthouse. My expanding waistline is proof of her delicious feasts! Yvette began working for FHM when the guesthouse first opened in the fall of 2012. She was the...