Mission Opportunities
Serve with Family Health Ministries
Family Health Ministries welcomes mission teams with loving and caring hearts and a desire to provide medical, construction, and educational (including Vacation Bible School) support in Haiti. FHM began mission travel in 2000 to assist US physicians, nurses, and non-medical professionals who wanted to volunteer in Haiti for short-term medical mission trips. Each year, FHM manages 4-6 mission teams of 12-15 people. Our volunteers serve in the FHM clinics in the Port-au-Prince area as well as Leogane, and the orphanage and school in Fondwa.
FHM welcomes both individual volunteers as well as mission travel groups from churches across the United States. FHM will work with you to:
- Match your interests, abilities, and time frame with an FHM mission team
- Provide orientation and spiritual resources before and during the assignment
- Arrange international travel schedules, provide guidelines for mission travel, and provide instruction on airline ticketing
- Provide guidance with necessary visas, passports, permits, and other travel requirements
- Coordinate lodging and transportation in Haiti
- Appoint an experienced Mission Team Leader to travel with you, to coordinate mission team itinerary and serve as cultural advisor
These and other crucial details of the short-term experience are all handled with care by our staff.
Join us in Haiti
Find out more about the FHM Mission Experience. We would love the opportunity to serve with you in Haiti. Contact us to find out if an FHM trip is right for you. If you would like to request an application for overseas service with FHM, please use the form below to let us know of your interest.
The cost for a week-long mission trip is $1,000-$1,200, plus airfare per person. The entire cost of this trip is a tax-deductible contribution. Reference the American Airlines website for flight details and cost from your city.
NOTE: All individuals traveling with FHM to Haiti will be responsible for the $10 Tourist Fee payment due at the point of entry into Haiti. This fee is required and must be paid at the airport. It is not included in your registration fee/ mission trip cost.
2021 Mission Travel Dates
- Currently, we are not planning trips to Haiti for the year 2021. We hope to resume travel in the summer of 2022. Check back with us in a few months!
We are able to set up additional trips for interested groups. Please contact Kathy Walmer, at 919-382-5500, if you would like to discuss a special trip for your group.
Raising Funds for Your Trip to Haiti