God willin’ and the creek don’t rise

God willin’ and the creek don’t rise

Growing up in East Tennessee, this is a phrase I’ve heard often. “Tomorrow we will do such and such, God willin’ and the creek don’t rise.” Meaning, we will do it—so long as no unforeseeable circumstances arise and change our plans. Many...
Name that fruit….

Name that fruit….

Fill in the blank. The fruit pictured below is called __________________. If you said “corossol”, you’re right! This fruit can grow quite large, typically weighing a few pounds, and is characterized by its green color and prickly skin. Inside...
The Grand Tour

The Grand Tour

What kind of host would I be if I didn’t give you a tour of where I live and work? Managing the guesthouse is one of my primary roles with FHM. The Nancy Ferree-Clark Guesthouse is located in Leogane, Haiti along Route Nationale #2 and is named in honor of the...