Haitian Women Helping Women

Haitian Women Helping Women

Meet Soinie. To say Soinie is an inspiration is an understatement! This determined lady is breaking the mold in order to build a better life for her family and the community of Fondwa. Soinie (pronounced swah-nee) has joined our construction crew to build FHM’s...

From Market to Table

Cooking meat in Haiti is not as simple as removing it from its package and throwing it on the grill or in the oven. Because much of the meat is purchased in the outdoor market, there are some extra steps for “cleaning” it.  Haitian cooks take a lot of time...

Prayer for Haiti

Haiti has many needs. Better infrastructure. A unified government. Education for all. Food security for impoverished families. More and better jobs. The list goes on. These needs are evident in the statistics we read about Haiti: 78% of Haitians are poor and live on...