Mission Journal

Slow Sunday in Leogane

Slow Sunday in Leogane

Jeff cooked us "French toast" today.  We found some extra bread in the frig that had been left behind by our Building Goodness friends! We're working today on writing a guesthouse manager guide, with notes that we post on the various appliances so the next person...

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A Potpourri of Activities

A Potpourri of Activities

As our third week in Haiti comes to end, I realize that there are many things we've done that we haven't told you about. Here are a few new stories: Bob working on the coconut with a very dull machete Visiting Dr. Delson Merisier againwith Bob and Claudia Lempp,...

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Who Knew? Visiting the Kleren Factory

Who Knew? Visiting the Kleren Factory

  Outside the old factory where they still sell the liquid Back in 2007, I visited the kleren factory down the street from where the FHM guesthouse is now located.  At the time, I was with Dr. Delsen Merisier, Dr. David Walmer, and a group of Duke students....

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Everyday Scenes at the Guesthouse

Everyday Scenes at the Guesthouse

Everyday Scenes at the Guesthouse Sunrise over the mountains - in back of the house. Another diesel fuel delivery - although there is a plan for a large tank in the ground with fuel truck delivery. "Fig-yo" because "bannann-you" are plantains. Burning our trash in the...

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Money Musings

A typical challenge for travelers abroad is,of course, figuring out the money system. But a really curious aspect of that challenge is when the tradition of the culture is to use a "virtual" denomination that doesn't actually exist in the currency in use. I remember...

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Maybe we should get chickens in Apex?

Maybe we should get chickens in Apex?

  We had great fun Friday afternoon visiting with Delson Merisier, MD, longtime FHMfriend.  We talked with Delson as he fed and watered his chickens.(For those of you who know that Janet grew up on a chicken farm, you will find it amusing to know how much she enjoyed...

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